Sunday, October 7, 2007

Poppy 10 weeks

Poppy got her first shots. She cried when she got her shots. By the time we got to the car she was done crying. She did get fussy later that night so we put her in the sling and she went right to sleep. I think the picture of Poppy in the hat looks like Maddie.


Auntie Kim said...

Those are so cute! She is really changing! You're right that picture does look like Maddie.

I love the "I'm tired" picture and chillin' with Noodle.

Give her smooches from me!

Dana & Ruben said...

Congratulations Susan & Carter!!! We are so happy for you both about the arrival of Baby Poppy! She is a beautiful baby and she has a beautiful name! We can't wait to see you sometime soon!

Love, The Zertuche Family